Sunday, May 19, 2013


Hello, fellow geeks. Okay, so I hope you all like my stories. But I want to take a short refrain from those for a while. I know I haven't been so enthusiastic about writing like this, for a while, and that's because I know that no one reads these and that gives me a sort of feeling of isolation, like no one wants to talk to me or even cares. But I've moved out of that mood, so I feel so much better, my self esteem has boosted 20X! Okay, so you guys, Joss Whedon is thinking about bringing back Firefly! YAY! I'm exited. For those of you who don't know what Firefly and Joss Whedon is? Suck a disk. Yes I meant to type that. That is a geek insult btw. Anyway, Firefly is like this Western that goes on in Space. There was only one season. After that it got canceled. It's on Netflix, just so that you know. You need to go watch it. Now, Doctor Who geekiness. OMG! Did you guys see the Finale last night! That was so epic! I mean. . . When the Doctor kissed River and then he was all like "Since no one else in the room can see you, god knows how that looked." I laughed so hard. And then Clara's all like, "No there were 11 faces, you're the eleventh doctor, I never saw that one." And then the Doctor was like, "I said that was me, I didn't say that was the Doctor. I chose my name. A name is like a promise you make, he's the one that broke the promise." Clara is definitely ranked higher on my list of favourite companions. She's not my favourite yet, but I like her better than Martha, who I liked. That was an intense show. I loved it, it had me hanging on every word, and I cried so hard when Jenny died. If you haven't seen it then I'll put a warning in the title so you know not to read this. Okay, what else. Ooh, the art show was today. It was pretty cool, I'm not in Art but I'm in Creative Writing which is taught by the same teacher. You guys, I am like the lowest level of geek there is. Except Jackie. she hasn't seen The Lord of the Rings, and doesn't like Harry Potter. She also hasn't seen the Matrix. Shame. Anywho, I haven't seen Indiana Jones, any of them. I also haven't seen Tron the remake or the original. So, I am a bad geek. But I've also never seen Star Trek. Except The Next Generation. I need to watch the Titanic. I had this guy friend once who I thought was so stupid. He was obsessed with Harry Potter and The Titanic. I'd never seen either at the time. And then I fell in love with Harry Potter. And I have a new respect for the guy, though I still think he's stupid. No offense guy, if you're reading this, which I doubt you are, because no one reads these. HAHA! I'm bored.

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