Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's Tuesday Again!

This post is gonna be on the verge of very shallow and very deep. Prepare yourselves, So I know I've talked about this before, but  I was thinking about religion the other day. And I guess I'm a buddhist. Because, as I'm very interested in the study of religions, I was reading up on it the other day and the entire point of buddhism is to figure out your own religion and rules and whatnot. Interesting huh? But i don't know, because I believe in faeries. Like don't laugh at me or anything. I seriously believe that magick runs through everything living and not living.  Like in Pocahontas theres magic running through the rock. And in FernGully, which I worship. I believe that trees feel pain just like us. And I believe they and we have auras. I also periodically clear open my Chakras.
New Subject: I finally got to watch the perks of being a wallflower movie. I really loved it. I think It clearly did the book credit. The book was better but still. Which is part of the reason why I said the thing about buddhism and stuff because I'm a total punk and one of the girls in that movie was a buddhist punk. She was kind of concieted though. I also watch Hotel Transylvania. It was pretty good. Wasn't my favourite. I also watch Treasure Planet for the first time the other day! Love that movie.
Ohh, my bucket of good things is coming along nicely, I just counted, there are 22 things in it. I write down every book I finish and put it in there too. Okay so, I was thinking the other day, and I devised a Top 10 list of amazing words that are just wonderful. Okay so, here it goes. . .
10. TARDIS - Perfectly wonderful, just say it out loud to yourself right now, do it, embrace its epicness
9. Medallion- It rolls off my tongue nicely.
8.  Paradox- Sounds even better with a British accent *raises eyebrows*
7. Harlequin- I love this word, its Fantastic!
6. Bliss- Love it and the meaning of it.
5. Oblivion- Awesome game and spontaneous word.
4. Melancholy- Haha say it like Megamind! Reminds me of Tuck Everlasting
3. Shamrock- Beautifully Brilliant
2. Annihilation- Haha, Rock-a-doodle-doo!
...DRUMROLL     1.  Arabesque- simply wonderous.
God I love Cartoons. So. . . today we had to write a satire for Creative Writing, I wrote about how every girl dresses the same, and then one day, a girl walked in with Combat Boots, Tripp Pants, And a Marilyn Manson t-shirt on. I described myself! I was really hoping no one would catch on but uh. . . yeah. Am I really that easy to read? I have all the wardrobe I described, except my ears aren't pointed unfortunately :(. Lol And I don't have a crew cut. And then we had to write a short story with the assonance 'I must confess, that on my quest...' So I'm writing a Doctor Who FanFiction! Haha I love myself!  Lol so. . . theres a new girl in our school and one of the Horrid, Closed minded, Conformists of our school (I hate her a little bit more than normal people because she used to date Colour :() Anyways, she told the new girl not to talk to my friend Kyra, and she was complaining about her saying that, and I'm all like thats a valid peice of advice. Kyra of course got all offended. But I dind't mean just her, I meant all of us. YOu see, me and my friends call ourselves Geeks, Nerds, (Oxy)Morons, ect. We take pride in this. We are offended if someone says that we aren't any of these things.
Okay, here comes the ranting. First on the list. . . American government. Oh, here we go. . . among all of the pompous jerkfaces (I would use a word like douchebag, but acording to my teacher, word like these show lack of imagination) who work for it, the conspiracies, the cover ups, and everything else, how could you trust those snobs? The government is definitely going to fail. They are more focused on things like. . . Well, I don't actuallyatch things like that ut I'm pretty sure they care, more about their image thatn they do caring for the enviroment. If the average temperature rises more than 1degrees then villages in some, country again not positive on which ones, will be flooded, and the arctic will no longer be arctic it will be a swimming pool. I say this because the ice caps are freshwater. We watched a video today in Science it made me feel really guilty, lets just say, I will never eat a hamburger the same way again.  I apolagize, I'm probably not convincing you of anything I am very bad at presnting facts. Okay another thing, how does everyone know that I'm  scorpio? everyone does! This girl asked me when my birthday was and I told her to guess and she said November and I'm all like how did you know???? And she said I acted like a scorpio. And everytime I basically order anyone to do something very nicely my older sister laughs and says 'Bailey, you are such a scorpio, hehe' And I'm like so confuzzled. Stupid Humans and their minds They will do whatever somone else ells them is good for them. They will conform no matter how bad it is. I mean really? Stupid humans, I'm so glad, I'm a time lord! Haha! Jackie, don't say anything! Have you guys ever seen Primeval? Its a British television show. You should watch it after you watch Doctor Who! Well, I'm out of interesting things to talk about today! That doesn't happen very often! You guys should be glad, I could ramble like this all day!


  1. Too late, gotta say something TIMELING! I'm the time lord in this friendship--well, the higher of the two time lords, DON'T TELL RACHEL!
    Seriously, Bailey? You put TARDIS as number TEN?! TARDIS definitely beats some of the other words, so ya might wanna redo that order a bit.

  2. Haha, they weren't ranked. Lol I should totally tell Rachel now.
