Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Meteor Showers and Stephen Hawking!

Hey you guys! There's going to be a meteor shower on Thursday the 13th! You will be able to see it from all around the world after dusk to dawn on the 14th. It's going to be beautiful make sure you watch it! I know I'm going to! http://www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy-calendar-2013.html <----- That's a cool website that I go to every day! Me and my Grandma watched a cool documentary called Into the universe with Stephen Hawking. There were 3 episodes total and the first one was about the possibility of Aliens. . . extremely possible by the way( Jaclyn you know what this means!). The 2nd was about Time Travel and Hawking establishing the act of Time Travel into the past would be impossible but into the future, people do every day. being closer to Massive objects such as the pyramid of Giza slows down time. And there's a satellite orbiting earth that loses a millionth of a second every day. and he was talking about if there was a spaceship orbiting a black hole then their time would be divided by 2 compared to ours for example 16 minutes on Earth would be 8 minutes for the spaceship. And then he said if there was a train going round Earth at 99.99% of the speed of light and it went around the world repeatedly for 100 years then at the end of the 100 years the people would come out of the train and have only experienced a week on the train. SWEET huh? The reason for this I think is because light speed is the limit and therefore nature prevents going over the limit by slowing down time inside the train. Or something like that, I'm not exactly positive. . . you might want to watch it yourself to make sure my brain comprehended it right. And I never got to finish watching the 3rd episode I will eventually but not right now. I watched it on Netflix Instant Play, but I'm sure there are other sources to get it at. Anyway thanks for listening to me ramble! Well this was supposed to go on my astronomy page but I can't figure out how to get it there so. . .

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