Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Christmas!

Hey you guys, so it's Christmas, and like I think I've mentioned before, I am not religious and neither is my family but we're Orthodox Christian, well at least they are I don't have a religion. So we celebrate Christmas, but I'd like to also say Happy Hanukkah, and Merry Kwanza and others! Oh.and just so you know I'm going to start a vlog, it's going  to be on Tuesday too, and I'm going to post it on here too, but it'll also be on YouTube. Okay and also, the two or three people that might be reading this, you might want to know that Every week I'm requesting fan artwork of a certain fictional couple. This isn't going to star until sometime next year. Hopefully I'll have more followers by then, probably not though. :( Sad Panda. . .  Okay IN OTHER NEWS! My book is going really well, I'm already on chapter 4. It usually takes me forever to write stuff. Speaking of books I got two amazing books right before Break began. They're M.T. Anderson's The Empire of Gut and Bone and The Chamber in the Sky. I've been waiting for these ever since I finished The Suburb beyond the Stars I love this guys books. And right before those I finished reading this amazing book called The Various by Stephen AuGuarde. sorry I know Books are usually Jackie's thing but I couldn't help but mention those. Speaking of Jackie, we have a bet on who can memorize the periodic table better, and I can't remember the stakes. But I've got 28 of them memorized! Out of 111 that's not that many, but I'm still proud of myself! Oh and Jackie, I'm just going to say this because I don't care who sees. . . I'm giving up on Braden. I realized the other day that even if we did get together, I wouldn't be as happy as I would be with Austin. Anyway yeah, I have to go help my grandma make Christmas dinner but I hope you guys have an amazing holiday season.


  1. Wow, you aren't embarrassed to have BOTH of their names on a blog that is internationally seen?
    And guess how many of the elements I'VE memorized?

  2. And the stakes were...
    I win: I get The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
    You win: I do your math homework for a week.

    Remember now?
