Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I'm going to feel super uncomfortable for like two months writing ?/?/13 instead of ?/?/12

Hey you guys! So it's New Years Day! We totally survived. That makes me happy! Anyway I just wanted to talk a little about books today, I finished the perks of being a wallflower and it was amazing! But I also now understand why they don't carry it in my library since I'm only in 8th grade. The book talks aa lot about the main character Charlie doing pot and LSD, and about discovering sex and masturbation and lots of other things like that. Now I understand the book was set in 1991-1992 but, he's 16! And I know kids were a lot more. . . mature about being immature than they are now, but this book just scares me how much Charlie doesn't know in the beginning. I'm going to Neverland tomorrow! Exciting isn't it? I'm not actually going to Neverland it's just going to be me and my friend hiding away in our heads and possibly watching movies where normal people can't criticize 
us. It's going to be EPIC! Anyway, I've started writing a story about a dead girl who's in love with this living guy who's in love with his fiancee and the book is about the dead girl realizing that to be happy she has to help the living -now- dead guy figure out why he hasn't passe don. I got the idea from this show called Being Human,but I switched the gender of the roles around and the guys and the girl's principals are not the same at all as they are in the show. Oh My God guys! Guess what? I'm an aunt! My baby niece was born the other day, I was so happy! And I want to say that I have more stuff than that to talk about but honestly i don't. . . ;D I just want you guys I mean, I only have 2 followers and it's only 1 person on 2 blogs, but you should totally go to my YouTube page! We have only posted one video on there so far but. . . .  I think it's going to have a really great start, January is Tobuscus's month well, that's the month my friend chose for him . . .  so we're going to mock him until February 1st, then we're going to mock NigaHiga! OMG you guys you know what I just realized? Me and my Mom were supposed to have a geekend (Geek Weekend if you couldn't deduce for yourself, a  weekend that you've cleared to play your favorite geeky video games and watch all your favorite geeky movies!) And my mom doesn't watch anime or play video games all that much so it wouldn't have really been official, but I thought it was going to be cool. But then We got The Fellowship Of The Ring watched and The Two Towers and then we kind of gave up because, we'd taken 3 days to watch those alone because we'd also been doing a ton of other things, like cleaning and going into town to do stuff! We were totally gonna watch all the Star Wars movies both trilogy's and The Matrix, and Harry Potter, and Marvel movies even the more recent more sucky ones, Eh, Idk it just makes me wanna Nerd Rage! anywho enough of me rambling for one week! I hope you guys had an AMAZING New Years! I'm going to take a picture off of Facebook's suggestion and take a jar and every time something good happens to me write it down and put it in the jar.


  1. Books are my thing Bailey--I claimed the right to talk about books first! >:O
    Jk, just don't make a habit of it--I wouldn't want anyone to stop going to my awesome blog because you started talking about books.

    We are going to Neverland! Finally! I can't wait--it's gonna be epic.

    That jar of good things is gonna be sooooo full--I hope you have a lot of jars.

    You should check my blog--the book one, not the other one. I replied to your comment and I think you'll be happy with what it says.
