Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I just finished eating a can of ravioli, it was the first thing that came to mind okay? Okay so the other day since we had Martin Luther King Jr. day off, I went shopping with my friend, for 8th grade graduation. Its formal, and I was talking about it with Jackie, and she was all like, I'm probably going to be the only girl there in jeans. . . Grrr. But I am taking her shopping next month. Whether she wants to or not! Hear that Jackie???? Anyway, In other news you might have noticed but if you did not I put up a new page! It is called Fae Book! The other day I kept typing in Faebook instead of Facebook, and I looked at it and thought it sounded cool! So I made a new page, and called it Fae book! It is distinguishing between the types of Fae if that was not already obvious... Anyway, So on Saturday, me and my friend spent all day in our pajamas watching Disney movies. and we kept pointing out all he horrible stuff about Disney movies! Cinderella. . . Abuse story. Bambi. . . Orphaned deer who is basically raised by rabbits. Mulan. . . Cross Dresser. Beauty and the Beast. . . . Bestiality! See what I mean? Sorry, I have problems. So I'm reading Life of Pi, and it is actually really good, this guy had a major in religious studies and when he was fifteen he had already spent his whole life being Muslim and the previous year being Christian, and he was at that time introduced to Islam. This guy has tons of experience I wish I could do that. I like to think of myself as having an open mind, because I feel the need to study every single religion very thoroughly before I can actually decide which religion I want to be. I don't know. I'm thinking about starting a calendar on here. When I was young i wanted to give every single day that wasn't a holiday already it's own holiday. It is still January I might actually do it. Anywho my YouTube plan fell through. I think I'm just actually going to do vlogs. Anyway I hope you guys have a great week!

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